You can download the lead sheet here
You are a God whose presence melts the mountains,
You are a God whose judgement blinds the sun.
How can we come before You? What offering can we bring?
What sacrifice could pay for all we’ve done?
We know we’ve sinned in what we’ve done and thought of,
we know we’ve turned to worship other things.
We call on Your compassion, we trust in Jesus’ name,
Whose sacrifice has covered all our sins.
For Jesus stands to shepherd us
in strength and majesty.
He’s the One who’s broken open the way for us
to follow Him into eternity.
O Lord our God, teach us to act with justice
and to love mercy as You call us to.
Oh, help us now to please You, to long for what You love,
to learn Your ways and humbly walk with You.
For Jesus stands…
My God will hear me!
I watch in hope for him
and I will see
His righteousness.
Though I’m in darkness,
the Lord will be my light,
and though I’ve fallen,
I will rise!
For Jesus stands…